Month: February 2024

Ash Wednesday ✝

Yesterday at NBC we celebrated Ash Wednesday and we also welcomed new families to our school. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent it is also when we get ashes on our forehead to ask God to forgive us and to show that we are Christians. The kapa haka group did a haka and waiata to welcome the new families. I enjoyed this because we had a really fun priest.

Waitangi Work

Kia Ora,

On the 6th of Feb it was Waitangi Day, so in Rm7 we had to create a quiz about Waitangi Day and write about the History of a place that is special to us in NZ. I teamed up with Zara-Mao and Kiara. Here is a LINK to our work

I liked this task because it let me do what I love most research and design.

Here is another Link for My Special Place

What’s your special place?