Tag: Religious Education


This week in school we have been learning about persistence, Persistence is never giving up, when you persist you keep trying and believe you can do it, for the task we had to explain persistence here is what I did

What do you want to do when you grow up?


Top Saints ⛪

This week in Religious Education we had to choose a saint and then create a google drawing about that saint, I chose St Mary.  I got the idea because my name means Mary and nobody chose her, I liked this task because we got to research about it.

What Saint would you do and why?

Let me know in the comments.

Stewards of the Earth 🌏


Hello Everyone,

Today Room 6 had to write 5 ways to be stewards of the earth,  Stewardship means caring for our earth 🌏 , I think that to be stewards of the earth we must:

  • Buy less (or buy second hand stuff )
  • Live simple
  •  Plant plants
  • Buy things with no palm oil
  • Try to use less plastic

Here is the video we watched below, its called Laudato Si’:

Can you find some important ways?

Bye (;

My Be Kind Poster

Kia Ora

For inquiry we have been focusing on kindness I made a poster to make people be kind

Kindness is cool because…

It is important to be kind because without kindness the world would be a bad place

If we are kind it is good for yourself as well as others.

If we aren’t kind we would be scared all the time

These are 5 ways to be kind

1.Give someone a hug when they are upset.

2.Write a card to somebody explaining what you love about them

3.Give complements to 10 people

4.Tidy up after somebody else

5.Do some chores to help around the house

I made this poster to encourage people to be kind

Is there anything I could add?