Tag: R.E

My Special Girls

Yesterday for R.E we were answering some questions about Mary and then we had to write about our special females in our life. Here is mine

Who was Mary?

She was a woman chosen by God to raise Jesus.

What is special about her?

She was a descendent of Eve and had never sinned.

Why is she important to us?

She raised Jesus our saviour and is an important symbol in the catholic church.

My Yr 6 Friends are important to me because they are so  nice and kind.

Who are your special females?

Ash Wednesday ✝

Yesterday at NBC we celebrated Ash Wednesday and we also welcomed new families to our school. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent it is also when we get ashes on our forehead to ask God to forgive us and to show that we are Christians. The kapa haka group did a haka and waiata to welcome the new families. I enjoyed this because we had a really fun priest.

Top Saints ⛪

This week in Religious Education we had to choose a saint and then create a google drawing about that saint, I chose St Mary.  I got the idea because my name means Mary and nobody chose her, I liked this task because we got to research about it.

What Saint would you do and why?

Let me know in the comments.